Oncology Clinical Trial Finder
Breast Cancer

Terminated • Phase NA • Stage 0, I, II, III • ER positive • PR positive • HER2 negative • Post-Menopausal • Brain Metastases absent • Interventional

The following is imported from ClinicalTrials.gov:

A Breast Cancer Treatment Decision Aid for Women Aged 70 and Older

The purpose of this research study is to evaluate a decision aid to help women aged 70 and older decide on treatment for their breast cancer.

The investigators aim to use this information to further refine and evaluate a decision aid to help newly-diagnosed women aged 70 and older with breast cancer understand the risks and benefits of different types of breast cancer treatment. The Decision Aid (DA) was created for women 70 years or older diagnosed with ER+, HER2-, clinically LN-, 3cm or less breast cancers deciding on breast cancer treatment. The DA was designed considering the health literary, cognitive abilities, treatment outcomes, and competing health issues of older women. Phase I : - The investigators will obtain and incorporate additional feedback on the DA from women 70 years or older who were diagnosed with breast cancer > 6 months ago, their family members, and clinicians, so that the DA can be refined and evaluated by women who were recently treated for breast cancer but not newly diagnosed with breast cancer. Phase II - The investigators plan to test the efficacy of the revised DA in a randomized control trial (RCT) of 230 diverse women 70 years or older newly diagnosed with ER+, LN-, HER2-, 3 cm or less breast cancer.

Breast Cancer

Study Design
Study type:


Estimated enrollment:

65 participant

Actual study start date:

July 20, 2016

Eligibility Criteria
Ages eligible for study:

70 - 999

Sexes eligible for study:


Arms and Intervention
  • Breast Cancer Treatment Decision Aid for women 70+

  • Usual Care

Inclusion criteria
  • phase i

  • patient age ≥ 70 yrs

  • female patient diagnosed with a first primary er+, her2-, ln-, 3cm or less breast cancer >6 months ago but <2 years ago

  • caregiver age >21 years

  • english speaking

  • phase ii

  • female patient age ≥ 70 yrs newly diagnosed with a first primary er+, her2-, ln-, 3cm or less breast cancer

  • women newly diagnosed with breast cancer on the day of surgical consult

Exclusion criteria
  • phase i

  • patient age < 70 years

  • women diagnosed with paget's disease, inflammatory breast cancer or a phyllodes tumor

  • signs of dementia

  • score >10 on the orientation-memory-concentration (omc) test

  • non-english speaking;

  • caregiver age < 21 years

  • women who do not have capacity to participate. --- before enrolling women in this study, possible participants will be asked 7 questions about the benefits and risks of the study. women that answer 3 or more of these questions incorrectly will be excluded.

  • phase ii

  • women with a history of breast cancer (invasive and non-invasive)

  • diagnosed with paget's disease, inflammatory breast cancer or a phyllodes tumor

  • signs of dementia

  • score >10 on the omc test (indicative of dementia).

  • women who do not have capacity to participate. --- before enrolling women in this study, possible participants will be asked 7 questions about the benefits and risks of the study. women that answer 3 or more of these questions incorrectly will be excluded.

Trial Information at Site
Last Updated:
Trial Information
ClinicalTrial.gov ID:


Estimated Enrollment:


Last Updated:


Principal Investigator

Mara Schonberg, MD MPH

Trial Sponsor

Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center

Study Location (4)

Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center

Boston, Massachusetts, United States

Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center

Boston, Massachusetts, United States

Dana Farber Cancer Institute

Boston, Massachusetts, United States

Dana Farber Cancer Institute

Boston, Massachusetts, United States


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