Completed • Phase O • Stage 0, I, II, III • Post-Menopausal • Brain Metastases absent • Interventional
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The project objective is to determine whether the Breast Cancer Locator (BCL) can safely and effectively localize breast cancers in patients treated at locations distant from the site of BCL manufacture. This information will be transmitted to CairnSurgical, Inc. where the BCL will be fabricated, tested for quality assurance, sterilized and shipped to the patient's surgeon. The surgeon will then utilize the BCL at the time of resection of the palpable breast cancer.
The primary purpose of the study is to determine whether a device called the Breast Cancer Locator (BCL) accurately identifies the location of cancer in the breast. The Breast Cancer Locator is a plastic bra-like form that gives the surgeon information about the location of the cancer in the breast. The location information is derived from an MRI which is obtained with the patient lying flat on their back (just as they are on an operating room table). The BCL is then custom-made for the patient using 3D printing technology. The surgeon can feel the cancer, and the surgeon will remove the cancer by feeling the edges of it as the surgeon would normally. Since the cancer can be felt, the surgeon does not need an image guidance system such as the BCL to locate the cancer in the breast. Other women may have breast cancers that cannot be felt, but are only identified by mammography or MRI. If the BCL proves to accurately localize breast cancer, it may be a useful guide for the surgeon for these other women. Additionally, the investigators want to determine whether this technology can be successfully employed at multiple sites and what, if any, complications occur during surgery as a result of using this device. The BCL has been used in 19 patients at Dartmouth with no complications.
Breast Cancer
18 participant
May 24, 2018
18 - 999
Breast Cancer Locator (BCL)
Age > 18 years.
Histologic diagnosis of palpable invasive breast cancer or ductal carcinoma in situ.
Patient desire to undergo breast surgery (lumpectomy or non-skin sparing mastectomy).
Ability to voluntarily provide informed consent to participate prior to any study-related assessments/procedures being conducted.
The cancer enhances on prone breast MRI imaging
The cancer is visible on mammography.
Absolute contraindication to MRI, including presence of implanted electrical device (pacemaker or neurostimulator), aneurysm clip, or metallic foreign body in or near eyes.
Severe claustrophobia.
Contraindication to use of gadolinium-based intravenous contrast, including life- threatening allergy or compromised renal function (creatinine > 2.0).
History of median sternotomy.
Pregnancy. Patient attestation that they are not pregnant will be acceptable.
Patients receiving neoadjuvant chemotherapy.
Richard J Barth, Jr., MD
Dartmouth-Hitchcock Medical Center
Santa Ana, California, United States
Dartmouth Hitchcock Medical Center
Lebanon, New Hampshire, United States
Lahey Hospital & Medical Center (Lahey Clinic)
Burlington, Massachusetts, United States
Keene, New Hampshire, United States
Dartmouth Hitchcock Medical Center
Lebanon, New Hampshire, United States
Nashua, New Hampshire, United States
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